Landowners for Eminent Domain Reform
With Summit spending extraordinary amounts of money towards legislation and advertising this coming session, we need to start spreading recent articles, links and excerpts on social channels - Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Please send to your distribution lists to like and share. The goal is to spread these far and wide. You can choose those that you would like to share. Now is the time that we need every person to take action. More articles and links to follow. We have to keep our momentum going!
Also attached is the information on the Property Rights Rally at the Capitol this Monday, January 8th.
Thank you!!
DC Lobbyists: Ethanol going nowhere
“DC ethanol lobbyists are irritated by Summit’s claim that the industry faces a bleak future without its carbon-capture project."
Safety regulations not yet written for carbon dioxide pipelines according to Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration
Top PHMSA Safety Official: “Carbon dioxide, hydrogen: $100 billion in incentives. We have zero people, zero full-time employees focused on that.”
Pipelines and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration: Responsibility of ensuring safety of pipelines falls largely to state agencies“Carbon dioxide, hydrogen: $100 billion in incentives. We have zero people, zero full-time employees focused on that.” – Top PHMSA Safety Official
US is set to be the most important proving ground for capturing greenhouse gas and the sprawling network of infrastructure needed for it to work.
“The country will be a test case for technology’s success — or failure… requiring as many as 96,000 miles of new pipelines, according to an Energy Department estimate.”
Carbon Capture Needs Enough Pipelines to Circle Earth Four Times
Longtime landowner advocate warns of coming legislation backed by pipeline companies to strip local control
and legitimize the use of eminent domain by private companies.
Spink County farmer Ed Fischbach discuss what to look for next year
