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FERC Study Submissions


Its letter writing time! We are asking for each and every one to take the time to write and submit a letter to FERC with requests for studies and/or your personal concerns regarding the Gregory County Pumped Storage Project. Last Thursday FERC held a virtual meeting for people to call in to submit their concerns and study requests verbally. Thank you to all who participated on the morning and evening call. Many strong, valid points were brought to FERC's attention; let's keep the momentum going!

There are 2 attachments to help make the letter writing and submitting process an easy task:

The first attachment is the step-by-step instructions on how to get on FERC's website, create your own account and submit your letter online. Consider selecting esubscription when you are on FERC's website. By doing this, you will automatically receive any updates and new information regarding this project with respect to FERC.

The second attachment is a copy of a letter submitted to FERC. This will give you some idea of what you can write. You can also go on FERC's website and type in the docket number for this project (P-14876-002) and go to the elibrary tab to see all the amazing letters that have already been submitted. There are many ways you can write your letter, just be sure to include an appropriate heading for your letter. Examples: "Comments on Pre-Application Document", "Study Requests", "Comments on Scoping Document 1", "Request for Cooperating Agency Status", or "Communications to and from Commission Staff". Also, be sure to include Gregory County Pumped Storage Project (P-14876-002) on the first page of your letter whether you are submitting it online or mailing it. If you prefer to write your letter and mail it, send to:

Kimberly D. Bose, Secretary, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 888 First Street NE, Room 1A, Washington, DC 20426.

This is our chance to have our concerns be known. Use pictures and other supporting documents if available. Encourage your family, friends and neighbors to submit a letter as well. We have till October 26th to get these submitted, but please try to do this as soon as you are able! On the virtual call, several people requested that the FERC commission members come out to the area and really see for themselves what we are trying to protect out here. Lets remind them of that invitation, and also keep requesting them to do an Environmental Impact Study.

REMEMBER - Missouri River Energy and MidAmerican Energy need FERC to submit them a license to continue with their project. Your letters are a huge part of informing FERC why it should not issue a license.





 Citizens Against Missouri River Pumped Storage Project is a 501c3 organization that was created as a grassroots organization to fight what we view to be a federal and political overreach of the proposed Gregory County Pumped Storage Project. We chose a name for our organization to reflect the fact that it just isn’t Gregory County being threatened with this project. We want to portray a unified effort from both sides of the river. Not only both east and west sides of the river will be affected but several miles north and south from the proposed site will be as well.

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