The Full Story
Citizens Against Missouri River Pumped Storage Project was organized as a grass roots
organization to fight what we view to be federal and political over reach of the proposed Gregory
County Pump Storage Project. We chose a name for our organization to reflect the fact that it
just isn’t Gregory County being threatened with this project. We want to portray a unified effort
from both sides of the river. Not only both east and west sides of the river will be affected but
several miles north and south from the proposed site will be as well.
We are using the creative and organizational skills of those in our group to inform and motivate
our community to build a united front against the project, influence our political leaders to
address eminent domain laws, and open the eyes of the federal regulatory committees to
hopefully see the true scope of the damage this project will cause to our community.
This is going to take a strong unified effort, requiring a lot of time, effort and money. We are in
it for the long haul and we hope you are too. If you don’t have time to volunteer towards this
effort, we hope that you can provide financial assistance. We welcome any and all ideas that you
will want to share.